Name: Pokemon R.O.W.E GBA
Language: English
Creator: rioluwott
Pokemon R.O.W.E is a GBA ROM by rioluwott in English. It was released on March 09, 2025 and is now available to download.
Pokemon R.O.W.E is an attempt to create an open-world Pokemon Emerald with QoL changes and a high replay value, with diverse team building as the primary goal.ROWE 2.0 IS HERE!
After a year and a half of development, the long-awaited update is complete! This massive update has so many changes that a full change log isn’t feasible—everything has been revamped!📌Important Note
Save files from version 1.9.4 are not compatible with 2.0. You’ll need to start fresh and experience the game from the beginning. Here’s a sneak peek of the most exciting new features, but you’ll discover plenty more as you play!
Change Log v2.0.3.1
- Signature moves not changing some move types in battle
- Fixed the issue where Special Moves used Physical stats for damage calculation
- Fixed the bug where some new mega evolutions did not gain their new stats/abilities/types upon mega evolving(Example Mega Snorlax)
- Fixed the issue where some people got stuck in the start menu by pressing Up a few times
- Some Collision fixes
- Added the item finder to the start of the game, if you already started the game just go and talk to the blue nurse and it will appear in your bag
- Now the sniper ball skill also ups the chances of catching a Pokémon regardless if you get a critical catch or not
- Other small bug fixes
- Explore the region in any order you want.
- Gen 8
- Following Pokémon
- Tons of QoL Changes to get your team without having to Breed to get good Ivs/Abilities
- Egg Move Tutor
- Chose between 9 starters or get one randomly.
- 3 Different Game Difficulties – Easy, Normal, and Hard
- Regional Music Options(Chose between Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Music)
- Randomized Mode
- Double Battle Mode(Every fight is a Double Battle)
- Inverse Mode(Inverted type chart)
- Perfect Ivs Mode(everything has 31 ivs)
- No Evs mode(Nothing has evs)
- Random Party Mode
- Little Cup-like mode
- No need for HMs
- In-Game Wonder Trades
- Nature Mints
- A way to change the Poke Balls of already caught Mons
- Pokémon from all the 8 Gens
- AutoRun Options
- Up to 120 Tms
- Physical/Special Split(This can be removed by an In-game Mode)
- Daily Gym Leader Rematches
- Level scaling based on your number of badges with an evolution system for both trainers and wild Pokémon
- Re-Usable TMs
- Mega Evolutions
- Find rare Pokémon with the DexNav. (by ghoulslash’s)
- Gen 8 Flying Taxis from the beginning. (by surskitty)
- Name Rater, Move Reminder, Move Deleter and Iv checker on all the Pokémon Centers.
- Decapitalized Text. (by Wyrserth and AsparagusEdu)
- Press B to Surf faster. (by ghoulslash)
- Pokémon Clover Soft Level Cap in Hard Mode (by PokémonCrazy)
- Gen 7 Daycare System
- A beautiful and useful Pokedex. (by TheXaman)
- Gen 6 Exp.Share that you can always turn off (by Lunos)
- Fly without the need for the move by having a Pokémon that could learn it in your party (by Buffelsaft)
- Eon Flute
- And more…
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Previous Versions
rioluwott, AsparagusEdu, Lunos, PokemonCrazy, ghoulslashns, TheXaman, surskitty, Diego Mertens, WiserVisor, Dizzyegg, Pyredrid, Buffelsaft, Sapphire Jester
Wow, I'm really looking forward to this, thank you!