Pokemon Crush GBA

Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Crush GBA


Updated: September 26, 2021


Name: Pokemon Crush GBA
Language: Spanish
Creator: Redmort



Ancient documents say that there was a person, unknown until today, who was one of the happiest Pokémon keepers that could be known.
He spent days and nights with his Pokémon, feeding them, playing with them, treating their wounds...
Over time, he became fond of a weak Marowak. He was the one with whom she spent the most time, and the one she cared for the most.
Being so fond of taking care of Pokémon, he discovered products that did them a lot of good, although he also discovered others that did not do them so much.
One fine day, he arrived at his farm a badly injured little Charmander, who requested much of his time.

The Marowak, which in this time had become a powerful Pokémon, felt rejected by its handler, and began to isolate itself from all its companions.
Charmander recovered from his injuries thanks to this man's care. Marowak, on the other hand, felt more and more resentment towards him, for having distanced him from his owner.

In the end the inevitable happened, Marowak faced Charmander in a hard fight, in which, of course, Marowak won.
When he was going to give the last blow to kill Charmander, this caretaker appeared running saving him.
Marowak understood that the caretaker loved Charmander more, so he fled the farm.

Years passed, the caretaker continued as always, although saddened by the great loss, until one day, an article appeared in the newspaper: "
A Marowak causes fear in the region" The content spoke of the description of the Pokémon, and of how he acted.
The caretaker was very sure that he was the same Marowak, so he ran off to the last city where he had been seen.
He didn't give her time to leave the farm, because when he went out the door he saw that he was approaching at great speed.
Marowak was very tired. At the door he stopped short, Marowak glaring at him, breathless, and collapsed to the ground.
It took him several days to fully recover, once recovered, the police entered the farm, arrested the caretaker for helping him, and Marowak for what he did.

In a struggle, Marowak managed to escape.
But Marowak didn't forget his owner, and after a week, he stormed the jail with 2 more companions, Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan.
They managed to get the caretaker out, run away, and hide.
From here on, nothing has been heard from the caretaker, his farm, and all the Pokémon he cared for, or at least, that's what it seems. Since then there has been a change in the history of the
region , the rulers have changed their way of ruling, and everyone is talking about something weird.​



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Previous Versions

Change Log

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  • New region
  • New Pokédex with the first 3 generations
  • Original and novel story
  • New "Rivals"
  • Possibility to join clans
  • New systems:
        - League and Gyms
        - Head Strike
        - Spikes
        - And more to discover...
  • User role completely changed
  • Lots of side quests
  • New graphics and maps
  • Elections that will change the development of the game



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