Name: Pokemon FireRed Eternity GBA
Language: English
Creator: Elie1605
Pokemon FireRed Eternity is a GBA ROM by Elie1605 in English. It was released on February 10, 2025 and is now available to download.
It is a remake of Pokemon FR, with only slight changes to the story.This is not a difficulty game. It is intented for casual playing, with a slight increase in difficulty in main battles compared to the original game.
The purpose is to have a fun (and not too crowded) rom which can be played differently every time thanks to having nice features and a large choice of viable Pokemon and starters.
No Data!Change Log v2.0
- Access to Macho Brace earlier in the game
- Fixed a bug where gender changes when changing the nature
- Fixed being able to complete Sevii Islands story before Elite Four
- Fixed Kadabra learning Kinesis instead of Confusion at lvl 16
- Added Aqua Jet and Belly Drum to Azurill’s egg moves (Gen VIII)
- Made access to Daisy’s grooming after 4th badge instead of post Elite Four
- Modified Deoxys’s form to Attack Form (instead of Normal)
- Modified Sandslash stats and gave it Bulletproof and Tough Claws abilities
- Added Tough Claws ability to Zangoose
- Added Spiky Shield and Slack Off to Sandslash
- Modified Sandshrew and Sandslash learnsets
- Fixed a glitch related to the Itemfinder
- Fixed some typos
- 9 Starters (Gen 1, 3 and 8) - New!
- 514 Pokemon from Gen 1 to 8 all obtainable.
- Physical/Special split
- Fairy typing.
- No Mega Evolution, Dynamax nor Z-moves (I feel like they disrupt the game's balance).
- EV-based grass: In each area, Pokemon will give you the same EV points. Check the Pokéarth in the documentation for more details.
- A DexNav for better IVs, egg moves and a higher chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon, with no jumping around in caves and on water - New!
- Updated learnsets to Gen 7 or 8.
- 120 reusable TMs.
- All HMs can be used without teaching. You only need to have a Pokemon in the team that can use it - New!
- All important battle items, including pinch berries - New!
- A Move Reminder in Two Island that also teaches Move Tutor moves and Egg Moves.
- EV and IV Masters in Cape Brink.
- Nature and Ability Masters in Three Island.
- Evolution Master in Fuchsia City.
- A workaround of the berry farming system with a Garden Guru in Cerulean City - New!
- Every Gym Leader has a team of 6 Pokemon.
- Gen 6 Exp. System : Exp. Share, boosted Exp. with happiness, Exp. gain when capturing a Pokemon.
- An updated level curve that gets you naturally on the same level as Gym Leaders (if you use Exp. Share).
- In the Elite Four rematch, every member will choose randomly 1 of 3 teams.
- Four Battle Brothers in the Sevii Islands that sell battle items.
- North of Seven Island, there is a rematch against all Gym Leaders with 6 lvl 100 Pokemon, in order to prove yourself and encounter Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza in Navel Rock.
- After giving the Ruby and Sapphire to Celio, he will give you a Shiny Charm and the Aurora Ticket (to catch Deoxys).
- Added an encounter with Mew (in Altering Cave) and Heatran (in Mt. Ember).
- All three legendary dogs will roam Kanto after Elite Four and having caught 60 Pokemon.
- Man in Water Labyrinth will give you a Manaphy egg if your first Pokemon has maximum Happiness.
- An improved battle AI.
- Gen 8 breeding mechanism with early access to daycare (Route 5), Destiny Knot and Everstone.
- A higher Shiny Encounter Rate - New!
- Improved Trainer Tower prizes : Star Piece, Rare Candy, Max Ether, and PP Up.
- Day and Night system.
- Weather conditions including a desert area in Route 9.
- New puzzle with Strength boulders in Diglett Cave.
- Improved some shinies (Scizor, Crobat, Espeon, Dragonite, Garchomp, Mamoswine, Magcargo, Nidoqueen, Mismagius, Heliolisk, Krookodile, Boltund, Gengar, and Kommo-o) - New!
- Increased chance of picking up an item after battle and modified the pickup table - New!
- Modified badges obedience levels.
- Added an in-game explanation of IV, EV, Natures, Terrain effects and Breeding mechanisms.
- Removed healing items from Gym Leaders and Elite Four
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