Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Emerald Inexperienced GBA Rom Hack
Version: v1.1
Updated: February 24, 2025
Name: Pokemon Emerald Inexperienced With Debug Mode GBA
Language: English
Creator: lykae
Pokemon Emerald Inexperienced is a GBA ROM by lykae in English. It was released on February 24, 2025 and is now available to download.
Pokemon Emerald Inexperienced features all Pokemon including the DLCs – Wild Encounter and Enemy Trainer Mons are randomized. There is also a bunch of QoL to make your run smoother.Progress
No Data!Change Log
No Data!
- Randomizer - Wild Mons, Enemy Trainers Mons, Items
- Mons are fully evolved
- Item Randomizer will usually give you battle items
- All Mons have perfect IVs
- No EXP or EV gain from anything
- Player can Terastallize from the beginning on, Trainers won't
- All Pokeballs have the effect of a Masterball and Healball combined
- Party gets healed after each battle
- Running away from wild battles has 100% success rate
- Toggleable Repel with L
- Porta PC with R (also available during Pokemon League)
- All Trainers have improved skills.
- Talk to trainers to initiate battle, they won't battle you on sight
- Teach moves from summary screen
- Throw ball with R in battle
- Frostbite replaces Freeze
- Types shown in battle
- Follower Pokemon
- Forced Set mode
- No item use in battle
- Reusable TMs
- Use HMs without teaching them, or having Mons that learn them
- Gen 1 fishing mini-game, Gen 4 fishing rod odds
- Updated Mart with ability-changing items and mints
- Updated Department store with berries, TMs, form-changing items, tera-changing items
- Get Escape Rope key item at start
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